Most Common Cyberattacks and their Mitigation process

According to the national Common Vulnerabilities and Exploits (CVE) database, the commonly used software and systems has more than 11,000 known vulnerabilities. Moreover, breaches of these vulnerabilities can cost up to $3.92 million on average to large enterprises and IBM has calculated it. These threats evolve constantly, and the mitigation process which protected you in the past might not…

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Overview of different Security Architectures of SOC

Organizations had to take measures to protect their IT systems. A Security operations center (SOC) is a centralized unit for Organization where its employees’ people, process, and technology. The purpose of a Security Operations Center is to prevent, analyze, and ensure cybersecurity within the organization. To prevent and respond to attack these teams have the necessary tools and software….

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Understanding concepts of Cyber Warfare

Cyber Warfare  1. Objective Cyberspace has become an indispensable part of a state, society, and the life of individuals due to the rapid development of information technology. These challenges, usually grouped under the term cybersecurity. There are several issues in the morality of cyberwar and cyber warfare, These wars are defined as one nation’s attacks on the governmental or…

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